1037 Route du lac – 40160 Parentis-en-Born – Biscarrosse
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Aquapark Biscarrosse

<p>Located in Port Maguide, 20 minutes from the <a href="https://www.arbre-dor.com/">campsite at Biscarrosse lac</a> on the Etang de Cazaux and Sanguinet, the Aquapark has a range of inflatable structures and fun activities set up on the water, a not-to-be-missed stopover for your vacation at <a href="https://www.arbre-dor.com/en/lake-parentis-bisca/">Lac de Biscarrosse</a>.</p>
Activite Aquatique Famille
<h2>Water activities for the whole family at Lac de Biscarrosse</h2>

Biscarrosse 2023 aquapark prices and opening times

Biscarrosse Plage